Roald Hoffmann

Poetry Books

Roald has published the following books in poetry:

1. The Metamict State

University of Central Florida Press (University Presses of Florida), Orlando, 1987

2. Gaps and Verges

University of Central Florida Press (University Presses of Florida), Orlando, 1990

3. Memory Effects

Calhoun Press, Chicago, 1999

4. Soliton

Truman State University Press, Kirksville, MO, 2002

5. Catalista: Poemas Escogidos

Huerga & Fierro Editores, Madrid, 2002

  6. Roald Hoffmann Izbrannie Stichotvorenia

  Izdatel’stvo Tekst, Moscow, 2010; Bilingual edition,
translations varies, mainly by Alla‏‏‎ Mikhalevich and Victor Fet.

7. Constants of the Motion

Dos Madres Press, Loveland OH, 2020

8. Zassou (Weeds)

  A poem, “A Kyushu Weed Story,” is the subject of a Japanese language children’s book, “Zassou”(“Weeds”), by Roald Hoffmann and Mika Yoshizawa, published by Imajinsha in Tokyo in 2018.