Roald Hoffmann

Purchase Books


The World of Chemistry video series (ISBN 1-55946-223-X) University of Maryland and the Educational Film Center, 1990. I am sad to report that access to The World of Chemistry has disappeared. For many years the series was available on DVDs from Annenberg/ Now they have removed it from their catalogue. I have tried to get access to the masters, so as to reissue it privately (I have no rights in the series), but neither that site nor the original producers respond. I think that since a good faith effort has been made to obtain permission, the next step might be to make copies of the DVDs and distribute them privately. I only possess VHS tapes; should you have a DVD set, please get in touch with me to explore copying them:

Chemistry Imagined, Roald Hoffmann and Vivian Torrence (ISBN 1-56098-539-9) Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 1993. Hard and soft-back. Out-of-print, but available from used book sources. 

The Same and Not the Same (ISBN 0-231-10139-2) Columbia University Press, New York, 1995. In print.

Old Wine, New Flasks: Reflections on Science and Jewish Tradition, Roald Hoffmann and Shira Leibowitz Schmidt (ISBN 0-7167-2899-0) Henry Holt and Company. Out-of-print, available cheaply on web; also may be ordered from Roald Hoffmann.

Oxygen, Carl Djerassi and Roald Hoffmann (ISBN 3-527-30413-4) John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2001. In print. Orders: Customer Service at (800) 225-5945.

The Metamict State (ISBN 0-8130-0943) University of Central Florida Press (University Presses of Florida), Orlando, 1987. Out-of-print; available from used book sources.

Gaps and Verges (ISBN 0-8130-0934-X) University of Central Florida Press (University Presses of Florida), Orlando, 1990. Out=of=print, available inexpensively from used book sources.

Memory Effects (ISBN 0-932026-43-5) Calhoun Press, Chicago, 1999. Ou=of-print. Available from used book vendors.

Soliton (ISBN 1-931112-05-3) Truman State University Press. Out of print. Available from used book sources.

Constants of the Motion, Dos Madres Press (ISBN 978-1-953252-06-7)

Something That Belongs to You, Dos Madres Press, (ISBN 978-1-939929-31-0).

Catalista (bilingual Spanish and English) Published by Huerga y Fierro, Madrid, Spain

Roald Hoffmann Izbrannie Stichotvorenia, Izdatel’stvo Tekst, Moscow, 2010; Bilingual edition, Russian/English; translations varies, mainly by Alla Mikhalevich and Victor Fet.

Roald Hoffmann on the Philosophy, Art, and Science of Chemistry (ISBN 0-19-975590-5) ed. Jeffrey Kovac and Michael Weisberg, Oxford University Press. Order online at

Beyond the Finite, edited by Roald Hoffmann and Iain Boyd Whyte (ISBN 0-19-973769-7) Oxford University Press. Order online at

Joy Goswami, Selected poems, edited by Roald Hoffmann, translated by several, Whale & Star Press, distr. Univ. Nebraska Press, 2013


Roald Hoffmann's books may also be found at Barnes and Noble and Amazon., and from AbeBooks and ALibris.